By: Robert Klassen 10A
“The left cried wolf about threats to humanity so often that they have lost all credibility.” – Dennis Prager
In the past we have heard our share of left wing hysterias. They include the dangers of nuclear power, exaggerated death toll due to Anorexia, where a bestselling book said 150,000 girls and women died due to this disorder annually. The actual number is about 200. They also said the incidence of Heterosexual AIDS was high in 1980 although it was very low. They have also lied about the numbers of homeless in America. (Dennis Prager)
“That’s why I don’t believe Manhattan will be under water by 2100, when those who promote this scenario have attempted to change our society through apocalyptic scenarios.” – Dennis Prager
Tens of thousands of scientists agree with Dennis Prager’s words and with good reason. The Climate is changing but humans aren’t causing it. Climate is always changing. Greenland was once green and Iceland was once ice, earth has had ice ages and since warmed without humans and our CO2. Manmade climate change is just the latest in these crazy hysterias of the left. It is not a fact and therefore North America should stop putting money into this myth. (Lord Monckton)
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