It appears, then, that the environmental
movement cannot be trusted. They use
invalid statistics, use scientist’s names without their permission and just
don’t site scientific research that doesn’t agree with them. Why would they do
this? Why would they want to make things
seem worse than they are?
don’t they want you to know the facts? Why does president Obama agree with it? One reason may be that they are using man-made
climate change to cover their communistic ideas.
If you
want more Government or central control and a Government with less liberty and
freedoms, promoting environmental causes will help you achieve this. When
the Berlin wall fell in 1989 the people who supported communism had nowhere to
go because the idea of a big over taxing government had become a dirty word so
they had to rebrand themselves and they took over Greenpeace and brought their
views with them. After a year or so of the communist ideas a lot of people left
Greenpeace including the founder! Green
peace is now being used to push propaganda for the far left. (Sun News Network)
“Earth day is a part of the hard left
movement covered with soft colours”- Lord Christopher Monckton.
Just like the environmental movement, Earth Day
is designed eventually to fight for the hard left against success, free market,
Liberty and democracy. (Ezra Levant) “It’s more a fight against the west and
not the planet.”- Lord Christopher Monckton
You see
these communistic ideas in the environmental bill in Denmark, where it talks
about a one world government, and the words vote, democracy, election does not
appear in it. (Savage Nation)
Peace used to be something a lot of people agreed with, so the only way they
could be anti-establishment was to adopt an ever more extreme position. They
also know if they say the effects are small no media network will pick up the
story. If you’re a climate change reporter and man-made climate change goes in
the trash your job goes with it. (The Great Global Warming Swindle)
the communistic ideas there are other reasons why people like Al Gore are
pushing the environmental movement. For Al Gore its money, Mr. Gore has never
put time in anything that wouldn’t make him money. “Al Gore didn’t invent the
internet but he did make up Global warming.”-Republican Security Council
with all the fails of the renewable energy sector Mr. Gore had made an extreme
amount of money (Dennis Prager) It is not simply that Al Gore and Obama see eye
to eye but Mr. Gore has many connections in the White House helping him pull
off his scam. Like Gore’s Political operative who became Obama’s climate change
czar or Gore’s former chief of staff who helped Biden oversee the stimulus.
(The Blaze) PETA (People for Ethical Treatment of Animals) says the number one
way to stop climate change is to stop eating meat, UN agrees, yet Mr. Gore
won’t say anything about it and he’s still a meat eater. (GB TV)This is further
proof that Al Gore is a fraud. If Al Gore
really believed in it and wasn’t just doing it for the money he would at least
do something as simple as putting down the double Big Mac.
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