According to Al Gore and
the United Unations (UN), manmade CO2 is a main factor in causing manmade
climate change. CO2 is actually natural it’s just like water
vapour(Forbes) you’re made of CO2, I’m made of CO2, CO2 is how things
“If you take CO2, of all the gases in the atmosphere it’s 0.54%
….then you have to take the part of that, that humans are causing and it
becomes a lot less” – Professor Tim Ball University of Winnipeg.
each year create more CO2 than planes, cars, factories, and all other human
made CO2 put together. More still comes from animals and bacteria
which creates 150 GT of CO2 compared to a small 6.5GT from humans. More than that comes from dying plants, for
example leaves, and the biggest creator of CO2 by far is the ocean. We can see that man’s contribution to CO2
emissions is very small.
Further proof that manmade CO2 has no effect
on global Climate change is that most of the rise in temperature happened
before the 1940’s when human CO2 production was very low. During the post war economic boom temperatures
should have gone up but instead they fell for 4 decades until 1975. In the
famous Al Gore movie, An Inconvenient Truth, it said temperature
follows CO2 levels when in fact CO2 levels follow temperature levels by 800
years, so you should not fear CO2, as levels in past have been more and less
then now. (The Great Global Warming
He who says, “CO2 is
responsible for most of the warming in the 20th century hasn’t looked at the
basic numbers”- Professor Patrick Michael
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