Tuesday 23 April 2013

Great Book

Check out this great book by Dennis Prager!

Buy Gold?

Should you still buy Gold? if you ask me I would say yes! Obama is the president so you don't know how much more gold could go up.

Obama was made president in 2008, and you still think he knows how to run the economy.... Liberals....

Global Warming is a Myth Part 5 of 5

The negative effects of following this myth are huge! According to the UN’s data we would have to live like cave man for 33 years to save one degree. Let’s assume the UN is right we would have to cut 1 trillion tons of CO2 to save 1 degree. Since we burn 30 billion tons of CO2 a year, it would take 33 years without any CO2 to save one degree which means 33 years with no light, heat, cars, planes, and factories. There’s no point regulating CO2 because as you can tell it makes no difference. The Regulating of CO2 is just a way the UN can add a tax and make more money. (Glenn Beck)

There are many negative effects of counting CO2 as a pollutant. They include higher cost on heating, paying more at the pump for gas, and higher food prices (Weather channel founder) The price of gas in 2008 was $2.50 a Gal in 2012 it’s $3.70.  In 2008 bread was $1.97 in 2012 it was $2.05. (Fox and Friends) Those are just two examples affecting you every day. They’re also higher taxes on clothing, TV’s and computers. The UN is saying CO2 is a pollutant because they want to politically control it and so they can tax the wealthy western countries. (Weather Channel Founder)

“They are killing the African dream, and the African dream is to develop.”- James S. man from Kenya

Perhaps the most immoral part of the environmental movement is the idea of the world’s poorest people using the most expensive and unreliable form of energy. (The Great Global Warming Swindle) The Environmentalists are preventing the developing world from developing. Africa has oil and coal but they are being told not to touch it.  They are being told to use solar power. Solar power is unreliable and 3 times more expensive. Because of this, African countries have to use fire to heat their homes.   In Africa 4 million kids a year die from inside smoke, they also have no fridges so food can’t be saved. Even the Co-Founder of Green Peace says he is totally against the romanticising of peasant life and people saying that the industrial societies are the destroyer of the earth. (The Great Global Warming Swindle)

 “I think it’s legitimate to call them (environmentalists) Anti Humans like okay you don’t have to think humans are better than whales or owls but surely it’s not a good idea to think of humans as scum that it’s okay for 100 of millions to go blind or die.” – Patrick Moor

According to Dennis Prager a person has to believe three main points 1. They have to believe that the earth is changing to an extreme extent.  2.  This change is caused by humans burning fossil fuels, and lastly, this change will lead to world-wide disasters by the end of this century.  If someone does not believe all three points, their argument of stopping man-made climate change is irrelevant and people should not change their lifestyles.

Tim Ball, a professor at the University of Winnipeg explained the science of manmade climate change with a metaphor of a broken down car.

  “My car is not running very well so I’m going to ignore the engine which is the sun and I’m going to ignore the transmission which is the water viper and I’m going to look at one nut on the right rear wheel which is the human produced CO2, the science is that bad.” – Tim Ball

“If you tell a big enough lie and tell it frequently enough, it will be believed.” So said  Adolf Hitler.  It seems he was right.   We hear the Manmade Climate change lie all the time from the empty suits at CBC and CNN to the socialists in the White House. They tell us lies of ice melting, which is now found to be fake, the lie of sea levels increasing rapidly, now found to be false, the lie of polar bears dying because they can’t find ice, now found to be a lie etc... The Climate has always been changing and will continue to change naturally. It makes no sense for us to lose millions of dollars and more importantly lives because of a Myth.

Global Warming is a Myth Part 4

     It appears, then, that the environmental movement cannot be trusted.  They use invalid statistics, use scientist’s names without their permission and just don’t site scientific research that doesn’t agree with them. Why would they do this?  Why would they want to make things seem worse than they are? 

Why don’t they want you to know the facts? Why does president Obama agree with it?  One reason may be that they are using man-made climate change to cover their communistic ideas. 

If you want more Government or central control and a Government with less liberty and freedoms, promoting environmental causes will help you achieve this.   When the Berlin wall fell in 1989 the people who supported communism had nowhere to go because the idea of a big over taxing government had become a dirty word so they had to rebrand themselves and they took over Greenpeace and brought their views with them. After a year or so of the communist ideas a lot of people left Greenpeace including the founder!  Green peace is now being used to push propaganda for the far left. (Sun News Network)  “Earth day is a part of the hard left movement covered with soft colours”- Lord Christopher Monckton.

 Just like the environmental movement, Earth Day is designed eventually to fight for the hard left against success, free market, Liberty and democracy. (Ezra Levant) “It’s more a fight against the west and not the planet.”- Lord Christopher Monckton

You see these communistic ideas in the environmental bill in Denmark, where it talks about a one world government, and the words vote, democracy, election does not appear in it. (Savage Nation)

Green Peace used to be something a lot of people agreed with, so the only way they could be anti-establishment was to adopt an ever more extreme position. They also know if they say the effects are small no media network will pick up the story. If you’re a climate change reporter and man-made climate change goes in the trash your job goes with it. (The Great Global Warming Swindle)

Besides the communistic ideas there are other reasons why people like Al Gore are pushing the environmental movement. For Al Gore its money, Mr. Gore has never put time in anything that wouldn’t make him money. “Al Gore didn’t invent the internet but he did make up Global warming.”-Republican Security Council

Even with all the fails of the renewable energy sector Mr. Gore had made an extreme amount of money (Dennis Prager) It is not simply that Al Gore and Obama see eye to eye but Mr. Gore has many connections in the White House helping him pull off his scam. Like Gore’s Political operative who became Obama’s climate change czar or Gore’s former chief of staff who helped Biden oversee the stimulus. (The Blaze) PETA (People for Ethical Treatment of Animals) says the number one way to stop climate change is to stop eating meat, UN agrees, yet Mr. Gore won’t say anything about it and he’s still a meat eater. (GB TV)This is further proof that Al Gore is a fraud.  If Al Gore really believed in it and wasn’t just doing it for the money he would at least do something as simple as putting down the double Big Mac.

Global Warming is a Myth Part 3

            So if Humans aren’t causing the Climate change then what is? The answer can be found back during the little ice age. Edward M. observed during the little ice age that there were very little sunspots on the sun.  In 1991 European scientists looked at all the records of the sun from the 20th century and they found that solar activity rose sharply to the 1940’s fell back in the 1970’s and then rose again. Sun Spots and temperature matched up for 400 years. When cosmic rays went up the Temperature went down and when cosmic rays went down temperature went up. Clouds Control the climate change, cosmic rays controls clouds, and the sun controls cosmic rays. (Global Warming Hoax)

You might be thinking that can’t be, because Al Gore said global warming was because of me, in his Oscar winning Sci-Fi movie, An Inconvenient Truth, but here are the true facts checked and then doubled checked.   For one, the UN Models in the movie show 2 times the amount of CO2 that is actually going into the atmosphere. Second, the arctic ice is always contracting and expanding - it’s natural. Thirdly, the UN said 4 polar bears died because they couldn’t find ice.  That was found to be a lie, in fact there are 2-5 times more polar bears now than in the 1950s. (Lord Moncton) Fourthly, The UN says the debate is over.   They came out with a report written by 250 scientists saying that man-made climate change is real. But here’s what they didn’t tell you, a lot of the people on the list aren’t even scientists, also many scientists quit this project because they didn’t agree with the report but their names were still published. These articles, the ones that didn’t agree with the UN were deleted by the UN.

“None of the studies cited above has shown clear evidence that we can attribute the observed climate changes to increases in greenhouse gasses.”

“No study to date has positively attributed all or part of the climate change to man-made causes.” (The Great Global Warming Swindle)

Global Warming is a Myth Part 2

According to Al Gore and the United Unations (UN), manmade CO2 is a main factor in causing manmade climate change.   CO2 is actually natural it’s just like water vapour(Forbes) you’re made of CO2, I’m made of CO2, CO2 is how things grow.     

    “If you take CO2,  of all the gases in the atmosphere it’s 0.54% ….then you have to take the part of that, that humans are causing and it becomes a lot less” – Professor Tim Ball University of Winnipeg.

      Volcanos each year create more CO2 than planes, cars, factories, and all other human made CO2 put together.   More still comes from animals and bacteria which creates 150 GT of CO2 compared to a small 6.5GT from humans.  More than that comes from dying plants, for example leaves, and the biggest creator of CO2 by far is the ocean.   We can see that man’s contribution to CO2 emissions is very small. 

     Further proof that manmade CO2 has no effect on global Climate change is that most of the rise in temperature happened before the 1940’s when human CO2 production was very low.  During the post war economic boom temperatures should have gone up but instead they fell for 4 decades until 1975.   In the famous Al Gore movie,  An Inconvenient Truth, it said temperature follows CO2 levels when in fact CO2 levels follow temperature levels by 800 years, so you should not fear CO2, as levels in past have been more and less then now.  (The Great Global Warming Swindle)


He who says, “CO2 is responsible for most of the warming in the 20th century hasn’t looked at the basic numbers”- Professor Patrick Michael

Global Warming is a Myth Part 1

By: Robert Klassen 10A

 “The left cried wolf about threats to humanity so often that they have lost all credibility.” – Dennis Prager

     In the past we have heard our share of left wing hysterias.  They include the dangers of nuclear power, exaggerated death toll due to Anorexia, where a bestselling book said 150,000 girls and women died due to this disorder annually.  The actual number is about 200.  They also said the incidence of Heterosexual AIDS was high in 1980 although it was very low.  They have also lied about the numbers of homeless in America.  (Dennis Prager)

     “That’s why I don’t believe Manhattan will be under water by 2100, when those who promote this scenario have attempted to change our society through apocalyptic scenarios.” – Dennis Prager

    Tens of thousands of scientists agree with Dennis Prager’s words and with good reason. The Climate is changing but humans aren’t causing it.   Climate is always changing.  Greenland was once green and Iceland was once ice, earth has had ice ages and since warmed without humans and our CO2. Manmade climate change is just the latest in these crazy hysterias of the left. It is not a fact and therefore North America should stop putting money into this myth. (Lord Monckton)